Darren Rowse

Rules Of Smart And Successful Web-development
Vitaly Friedman (a German web designer) posted a mega list a few days back on 20 Rules Of Smart And Successful Web-development. Most of it is just good common sense that translates well into or from any language. Here’s how it starts: ‘1. Respect your visitors. Don’t try to force ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Growing Your Business with Google – Preview Call
Yesterday I came across an interesting course called Growing Your Business with Google (aff link) that I’m really impressed with. It’s by two guys – Dave Taylor (pictured) and Steven Van Yoder. I know Dave’s work pretty well and respect him as a blogger after both reading his stuff and ...more
Pro Blogging News

AdSense Blog Case Study
Scott D. Feldstein has written a post titled Blog Ads By The Numbers which talks about his experience with AdSense on his blog. His conclusion is to remove it (in case he does move them here’s a screen cap of how he had them – click to enlarge). I left ...more

Pixel Ad Site Targeting Bloggers with Deception
This morning I received an email from someone promoting his pixel advertising site which is targeting bloggers to buy space by deception. The email was actually reasonably well written and outlined an opportunity to buy pixel squares along side other prestige blogs. It mentioned by name some very large blogs ...more
Pro Blogging News

10 Steps to Writing a Successful Series on your Blog
Now that we’ve talked about why a blogger might consider the use of a series of posts I’d like to turn my attention to the way in which I do it. When it comes to the way I build a series of posts on a blog my workflow is a ...more
Writing Content

How to Write a Blog Series
MindBlog has a good post on Writing a Series of Blog posts which outlines the process that Eric goes through when putting together a series of posts over at his blog. The method of stringing related posts together in a series has been a central part of ProBlogger over the ...more
Writing Content

Speedlinking – 23 March 2006
Philip Greenspun writes some useful tips for starting up a company – via WorkHappy Neil Tortorella explains how to work out how much to charge as an hourly rate (a problem I always have – in the last year I’ve been paid everything from $0 up to over $2000 per ...more
Pro Blogging News

Google AdWords Keyword Tool – A Useful tool for AdSense Publishers
I’ve been playing around today with the Google AdWords: Keyword Tool which is a tool designed to help AdWords advertisers optimize their campaigns – but which is also very useful for AdSense publishers. It’s recently been updated in a number of ways – one of which is that you no ...more

Recapturing the Joy of Blogging
I was just lamenting to myself a few days back that one of my favorite bloggers (who blogs about blogging), Paul Chaney, had been a little quiet recently on his blog. Today he posts a blog titled The Joy of Blogging which might explain a little of why we’ve been ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips