Darren Rowse

Google bans Mango Sauce from AdSense
26th of April 2006 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

Google bans Mango Sauce from AdSense

There’s a fascinating story over at Mango Sauce today that recounts it’s blogger’s (David) interactions with one representative at AdSense who has banned Mango Sauce from AdSense over what it says are violations of the program. The AdSense team member says that MS has content for mature audiences which violates ...more
Pheedo’s RSS Ads System Launches
26th of April 2006 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

Pheedo’s RSS Ads System Launches

Speaking of RSS ads, Pheedo has been testing their ad service for the past couple of months and are launching this week according to Mark at Weblog Tools Collection. Mark writes that it’s a system for WordPress ads but I can’t see on Pheedo anywhere saying it is exclusively a ...more
FeedBurner Ad Network Add Automated Advertiser Signup
26th of April 2006 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

FeedBurner Ad Network Add Automated Advertiser Signup

FeedBurner have just announced a new automated feature for advertisers to sign up to their Ad Network. Instead of having to go through a manual process you can now do it in a much more streamlined fashion. The process is to: Select a channel that matches your target Create an ...more
BBC Continues to Explore New Media
26th of April 2006 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

BBC Continues to Explore New Media

The Guardian reports that the BBC is redeveloping their online presence to be much more new media focused: ‘The BBC today unveiled radical plans to rebuild its website around user-generated content, including blogs and home videos, with the aim of creating a public service version of MySpace.com.’
Blog News
Blog Credibility and Blog Design
26th of April 2006 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

Blog Credibility and Blog Design

This post is part of a series of posts on building blog credibility I know that there is a variety of opinions on the value of blog design within ProBlogger’s readership so this might generate some interesting discussion but in my opinion blog design does matter. It is not the ...more
Blog Design
Rambling Blogging
25th of April 2006 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

Rambling Blogging

Aaron Wall writes a good post titled Rambling too Much = Bad Blogging. I agree that rambling isn’t good blogging practice, but I wouldn’t say that all long posts are. To me it comes down to weighing up the individual factors that a blogger and their blog face and finding ...more
Writing Content
BlogExplosion sells for Six Figures
25th of April 2006 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

BlogExplosion sells for Six Figures

BlogExplosion have announced that they’ve been sold for in excess of $100,000. Congratulations to them and to Jeremy for brokering the sale.
Pro Blogging News
25th of April 2006 Darren Rowse 0 Comments


Just a quick note to let readers know that today’s a public holiday here in Australia – it’s ANZAC day (the day we remember lives given in active service). We’ll be remembering it by going to the ANZAC day Australian Rules Football match at the ‘G’.
ProBlogger Site News
Expertise builds Blog Credibility
25th of April 2006 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

Expertise builds Blog Credibility

This post is part of a series of posts on building blog credibility Does the blogger actually know what they are talking about? Some might argue that ‘expertise’ is a little close to ‘experience’ but I see it differently. As I wrote in the last post, I often write in ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips