Darren Rowse

What do You Do?
How do you describe your blogging business to people when they ask ‘what do you do?’
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Building Blog Credibility – 11 Tips
I never did quite finish my Blog Credibility Series. Sorry about that but the week sort of got away from me with the birthday thing, catching up on some projects I’d put on hold, starting a new blog and there being a public holiday here on Tuesday. So I thought ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Blog Comment Form Design
Smiley Cat Web Design had a cool showcase post a few weeks back that highlighted great comment section designs and today posted another showcase that is looking specifically at comment form designs. Once again there are some nice examples there of some great blog design.
Blog Design

ProBlogger Vidcast
After my previous post on video on blogs I thought I should put my money where my mouth is and do one myself. It should be noted that what follows was a spur of the moment recording and that technically it will leave a lot to be desired. Content wise ...more
ProBlogger Site News

Alternate Ads and the noscript Tag
This article by Eric Giguere is adapted from his upcoming e-book “Uncommon AdSense“. ProBlogger readers will also find his contextual advertising blog of interest. Please Note that if you use the AdSense code outlined below that you should add your own publisher code and channel codes to it to make ...more

Video and Blogging
Over at b5 some of our bloggers are beginning to experiment with video in their blogging. Sean at our boxing and wrestling blog is doing Predictions Posts using YouTube. He’s also brought in a friend on some and the results are pretty cool – two guys chilling out and arguing ...more
Pro Blogging News

Lessons from a Celebrity Blogger
The following blog case study was submitted by Derek – a celebrity blogger. In it he reflects upon 7 lessons he’s learned in building his blog from 50 to 1500 uniques per day since March. Derek Hail – stealing celebrity dignity and fame was launched on March 13th of 2006. ...more
Case Studies

The Cost of Comment Spam
It seems that bloggers everywhere are giving up the fight against comment spam – Or it least it seems that way to me. I’m not going to start naming names but this week as I’ve read a number of fairly high profile and active blogs I’ve noticed that there is ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Celebrating 34
Today I turn 34. It’ll be a pretty low key day with most of the celebrations happening on the weekend (not too big a deal this year but we’ll have a good night Saturday night). So lets talk presents…. Ok – I’m kidding, i don’t need anything but there is ...more
ProBlogger Site News