Darren Rowse
31DBBB Day 16 Challenge: Solve a Reader’s Problem
Today’s challenge in the 31 Days to Build a Better Blog series is another writing challenge, and one that’s close to my heart. In both my blogs I strive to be useful – every day, my goal is to solve at least one reader problem. There are many reasons why ...more
31 Days to Building a Better Blog
ProBlogger Podcast: Blog Buddies
Let’s kick off this new week of 31 Days to Build a Better Blog with a podcast about finding your tribe. I’m an introvert, and blogging and podcasting work really well with my personality type. I enjoy interacting with others, but at a bit of a distance. But one of ...more
31 Days to Building a Better Blog
31DBBB Day 14: Update a Key Page
Here we are, day 14 – two full weeks of tips to help you create the best blog possible, and plenty more to come! Although this week we’ve covered social media, forums and groups, alerts, brainstorming, editorial calendars and even getting off your blog to find inspiration, we haven’t talked ...more
31 Days to Building a Better Blog
An Unexpected Piece of Advice that Will Help You Grow Your Blog
Today’s challenge in our 31 days to build a better blog podcast series is a bit different, and hopefully – a lot of fun. It’s to not blog at all! Today I want you to leave your electronics behind and go to your local mall or shopping centre. Why? Because ...more
31 Days to Building a Better Blog
31DBBB Day 12: Develop an Editorial Calendar (and How to Do So!)
So yesterday your 31DBBB Challenge was to brainstorm 10 posts for your blog (you could come up with more, but 10 was the minimum!) and today we will be building on that – developing an editorial calendar. This is going to serve as the next week of content on your ...more
31 Days to Building a Better Blog
How to Harness Brainstorming to Build Great Content for Your Blog
Blogs can’t exist without content, and it is often one of the most stressful parts of blogging. Coming up with fresh, interesting, new content repeatedly for weeks, months, and years on end can take its toll if you don’t put strategies in place to help you before you get to ...more
31 Days to Building a Better Blog
ProBlogger Podcast Day 10: How to Use Alerts
As ubiquitous as the internet is, you can’t be across all things at all times in your niche. It’s important to have a general idea of what the trends are not only for your sake so you can stay current, but also so you can share that information with your ...more
31 Days to Building a Better Blog
3 Project Management and Organisational Apps that I Use in My Blogging
The last two weeks have been crazy. I’m sure you know the type of weeks I’m talking about. Onn top of my normally full weeks… I impulsively decided to launch a month of daily podcasts (and I crazily decided to do all of the show notes, editing and production myself) ...more
Be Productive
31DBBB Challenge: Join a Forum or a Social Media Group and Start Participating
One of the most common questions I’m asked by bloggers is “how do I find readers?“. I do have a pretty standard reply, although it really does depend on several factors: mainly who is their target audience, where are they mostly online, and how can you participate in those places? ...more
31 Days to Building a Better Blog