Darren Rowse

Lessons from an Umbrella Salesman
Warning – Tangent Ahead Yesterday I was in the centre of Melbourne and got stuck in the rain (no comments from my interstate friends please). I had left home without an Umbrella and quickly made the decision that I needed to buy one as I was going to be spending ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

How Many Ads Should a Blog Have? – A Visual Breakdown
Photoshopblog has an interesting post that highlights (in visual form) the breakdown of different components of Engadget – specifically looking at the amount of the blog dedicated to the article itself, comments, site navigation, advertising and Weblog Inc navigation. See the full visualization here. The post under analysis is quite ...more

Hitting Comment Spammers and Plagiarists where it Hurts
I’ve decided in the last week or so to take my own fight against Comment Spammers and Content Thieves to the next level. Every day I find people wasting my time and trying to make a quick buck from my blogs in ways that are either illegal, malicious, morally corrupt ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Monday – ProBlogger Intergalactic Blog Writing Day
After my post New Blogging Rhythms where I talked about finding myself moving to a new rhythm of blogging due to the busyness of life I’ve decided to make Monday ‘ProBlogger Intergalactic Writing Day’ (perhaps slight too grand a name). I’ve set myself some goals in terms of numbers of ...more
Pro Blogging News

Speedlinking – 14 May 2006
I wondered how long it’d be before someone offered a Blog Backup service – now they have. It’s still in beta and has a 10MB limit on it (when I backed up ProBlogger this week it was 134MB) but it could be useful for some. Found via Weblog Tools. Jon ...more
Pro Blogging News

TechCrunch Redesign Creates Discussion on Blog Design
I was chatting to an artist friend of mine about an exhibition he’s currently involved with that is causing quite a stir in some circles here in Melbourne. I asked him whether the extreme reactions that the exhibition caused bothered him or not and his reaction was that he was ...more
Blog Design

New Blogging Rhythms
I have found in the last month that my blogging rhythm has changed quite considerably. My Old Blogging Rhythm A year or so ago I used to spend a higher percentage of the time I dedicated to blogging actually writing content. I was blogging as a solo blogger (no network ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

My Link Lust for Lifehacker
Over on my link lust post (thanks to everyone that contributed) a reader asked me to name my own lusted after links. My answer was that while I could think of sites that could send larger amounts of traffic that one of my favorite places to get a link from ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

AdBrite Announces Inline Ads
Adbrite (aff) have announced this week that they are moving towards giving their publishers ‘inline’ ads. Inline ads are those links you see inside of content (often green or made to look different to other links on a page) that have a little popup window that appears when your comes ...more