Darren Rowse

Register as a ProBlogger User to Smooth out Commenting Issues
Over the past few weeks I’ve had emails from a number of ProBlogger readers who have had problems commenting here at ProBlogger. Perhaps my spam filter (Akismet) is blocking a few comments that it shouldn’t. One way around this is to register as a user of ProBlogger here. If you ...more
ProBlogger Site News

More on Blog Design Pricing
Peter Flaschner has written his own piece on Blog Design Pricing (link removed as it was dead) in response to one Chris Pearson wrote last week. In his post Peter looks at some of the factors he considers when setting his prices and concludes: ‘Pricing is tricky. There’s no real ...more
Blog Design

ProBlogger’s Baby Photos leaked to the internet
Meg at Celebrity Makeovers has an incredible scoop – she’s published the first pictures of my new baby boy! This is quite incredibly as he’s yet to be born but paparazzi these days will go to any lengths! Here’s Mini-Rowse himself: Very amusing Meg! Just a quick baby update for ...more
ProBlogger Site News

No-one links to the linkers
Andrew Garrett has written a very insightful post at on a discovery he’s made about blogging that I think we all need to learn (and many of us relearn) – No-one links to the linkers. He tells a little of his own previous style of blogging – linking to another ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Blogging Goals – Final Reader Submissions
Thanks to everyone who has submitted entries in this week’s Blogging Goals Group Writing Project. There were 130 submissions in total (49 more than last time) – so many that it was a little overwhelming to keep up with listing them all – especially when I got distracted reading them ...more
ProBlogger Site News

AdSense adds ‘Site Diagnostics’ Feature
AdSense publishers will notice a new tab when they log into their accounts next – ‘Site Diagnostics’. It seems that this new tool highlights any pages that AdSense is having problems running ads on. There are a number of reasons why ads might be having problems that are listed at ...more

Speedlinking – 9 June 2006
The Blog Studio have just released another of their free WordPress templates. This one is called STTP (Straight to the Point) and it comes in Blue, Green and Red. You can see a working version of it here (blue). Ahmed has a timely post (if you’re into the World Cup) ...more
Pro Blogging News

How to Kill Your Blog Successfully – The Methods
We’ve been talking this week about why blogs die and factors to consider when deciding whether to end them or not. If you get to the point where you think it’s best that you end a blog there are a number of options before you as how to do it. ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

FeedBurner and TypePad Integrate Blog Feeds
Feedburner and Typepad are announcing a way for TypePad users to redirect their TypePad RSS feed into a Feedburner one. This will give them a more integrated way to track stats. It sounds similar to what the Feedburner plugin for WordPress does that I’ve spoken about previously. Found via Micro ...more
Blogging Tools and Services