Darren Rowse

Thankful Blogging Catches On
It looks like the idea of Giving Thanks for traffic is going a little viral – ok it’s not a full blown virus but it’s nice to see others doing it too. Thanks to Spinopsys, Trevor, Christian and the Retrospector for passing on the thanks. Anyone else feeling thankful – ...more
ProBlogger Site News

MeCommerce – A Bookshop on your Blog’s Sidebar
Good Storm is working on a service for bloggers called MeCommerce which effectively puts a little book, DVD and CD store right on your sidebar. At a first look it doesn’t seem much different to running Amazon ads in your side bar until you click one of the products highlighted ...more
Pro Blogging News

Blogger Gets Yahoo Internship
Congratulations to PaulStamatiou.com for landing a ‘Blogger Internship’ at Yahoo – another blogger finding indirect opportunities opening up as a result of their blogging activities. I’m predicting that the second half of 2006 that we’ll see a lot more of this type of thing. found via blogHelper
Pro Blogging News

25 To Do Lists Services
If you’re as disorganized as I can be at my worst you might find Solution Watch’s post titled 25 To Do Lists to Stay Productive a helpful one. Yes it’s a list of 25 ‘to do list’ services to help you get organized. I’ve been meaning to find a good ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Top 10 Sources of ProBlogger Traffic – Giving Thanks
My Mum always taught me to say thank you – so I thought it was time I did by thanking some of the sites that have sent me traffic in the last 6 months of blogging here at ProBlogger. So I’ve fired up my stats program and have compiled a ...more
ProBlogger Site News

Betting Opens on the Technorati Top 100
Sportsbook BetUS.com has started taking bets on which blog will top Technorati’s Top 100 on New Years Eve this year. It’s a shameless self promotion really but it’s is a novel way of making money blogging so I thought I’d link up. I doubt anyone will beat Xu Jing Lei ...more
Pro Blogging News

The Technicalities of Writing a Blog Series
A couple of months back I wrote a post titled 10 Steps to Writing a Successful Series on your Blog which was reasonably well received. Yesterday Lorelle VanFossen wrote a very helpful companion post to it exploring a variety of technical tips on how to publish a series of articles ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Title Tags and SEO
Speaking of SEO – Over the last couple of weeks I’ve been paying attention to the way bloggers (and other websites) use their title tags (title tags are in your source code and are what determines what is shown in the top bar of your browser). In your source code ...more
Search Engine Optimization

Add Sidenotes to your Blog
Here’s a cool little tool that enables you to put ‘sidenotes’ on your blog using a mix of Javascript and CSS. They describe them like this: “It’s all about tangents. No, not those kinds of tangents. We’re talking about the kind where you’ll be sharing a thought and you sort ...more
Blogging Tools and Services