Darren Rowse

Accidental Entrepreneurs – Turning Hobbies into Businesses
I used to read articles like this one on Accidental Tech Entrepreneurs Turn Their Hobbies Into Livelihoods and think it could never happen to me but as time goes on I’m finding more and more people that the article could be about – people making a living (and some a ...more
Pro Blogging News

Cartoon Blogger Sells His Wares
Andrertoons Cartoon Blog shows us another way of monetizing a blog – by selling cartoons. See Mark’s post on it here.
Pro Blogging News

PayPerPost – Paying Bloggers to Post – First Impressions
A number of readers have emailed me about a new opportunity for bloggers to make money in a system called PayPerPost (the first to let me know was Brem). The short of it is that they sign up advertisers who want bloggers to write about their product, service or company ...more
Pro Blogging News

Launching a Blog – What Type of Posts Are Best?
I had an email earlier today from a reader who asked an interesting question that got me thinking. He’s just started a new blog and was asking what type of posts he should put up first? He had decided upon a niche or focus for the blog and his first ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Baptist Minister Interviews Adult Webmaster about Blogging….
One of the aspects of blogging that I love is that it opens up opportunities to connect with people of all walks of life, interests, backgrounds and experiences. In the last year and a half of blogging here at ProBlogger I’ve come into contact with a lot of readers – ...more
Case Studies

Speedlinking – 30 June 2006
If you’re in the UK and have a business blog (or know of any) Mark White would like to hear from you as he’s creating a resource to put the Spotlight on UK Business Blogs. Performancing are looking for Beta testing partners in their new Ad Network WeblogHits has posted ...more
Pro Blogging News

Google Page Rank Update Rolling Out
It looks like Google is rolling out a page rank update if the discussions in forums are anything to go by. Here are a couple of the discussion threads: Google pagerank is Updating – DP New Page Rank Showing – WMW What is Page Rank and what does it mean ...more
Search Engine Optimization

Some European Countries Considering applying VAT to Online Earnings
Jen posts some concerning news for European bloggers trying to make money online. The short of it is that some European countries are considering making publishers pay VAT (similar to sales tax) on AdSense and other online earnings and that this could see them paying up to 83% of their ...more
Pro Blogging News

AdSense add Referral Program Channels
AdSense publishers who use referrals heavily will be happy to know that AdSense have added the ability to track referral results with channels. This has been a long time coming and something that I’ve heard quite a few complaints about. URL channels don’t work so you’ll have to set up ...more