Darren Rowse

Brian’s CopyWriting Book Recommendations
A couple of weeks ago when I published my Essential Books for bloggers I asked a number of other bloggers for their recommendations on what they considered to be excellent resources in the different aspects of blogging. Since then a number of others have suggested books including one of my ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Telegraph Caught Republishing Blogger’s Post Without Acknowledgement
This tale of the Telegraph Newspaper foolish action in publishing a bloggers post without permission, acknowledgment of source and under one of it’s author’s name (all they did was change the heading) has left me shaking my head today. Very odd. See the original post, a cached version of the ...more
Pro Blogging News

Lists Group Writing Project – Categorized
During the Last Group Writing Project (on the topic of Lists) I was quite overwhelmed by the number of entries. The list that we ended up with had a total of 301 lists. The main problem with the final list of entries was that despite containing a lot of great ...more

Closing the Deal – Persuasive Blogging Part V
“Desire is the key to motivation, but it’s determination and commitment to an unrelenting pursuit of your goal – a commitment to excellence – that will enable you to attain the success you seek.” – Mario Andretti The last step in the process to writing a persuasive blog post is ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Resources for Information Publishers
Martin at ePublishingDaily has put together a page of resources for information publishers that I think a lot of entrepreneurial bloggers will find very useful. It’s got over 100 resources in 17 categories including: Online PDF Creators Keyword Tools Stock Photos Online Payment Autoresponders Online Researching Some categories will be ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Six Figure Blogging Gets an Update
It’s been almost a year since Andy Wibbels and I ran the live version of the Six Figure Blogging Course. The response we had back then was pretty terrific – thousands registered for the free preview call (which is still available to give you a taster on our main page) ...more
ProBlogger Site News

Desire and Persuasive Blogging – Part IV
“Desire is the starting point of all achievement, not a hope, not a wish, but a keen pulsating desire which transcends everything.” – Napoleon Hill Over the last few years I’ve put on a little weight. Actually – a more accurate statement would be – each year over the last ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Marinating Ideas into Blog Posts – My Posting Workflow
Glen has posted a nice post at LifeDev titled Let Your Blog Posts Marinate (4 Steps to Forming Great Ideas) which uses the great image of marinating your ideas for a while before posting them. Below I’ll share 10 steps on how I let ideas marinate and become posts – ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Job Boards – 11 hours In
Thank you to everyone who has sent in feedback, questions and ideas for the ProBlogger Job Boards as well as the many bloggers who have linked up to it. I’ve always wanted to be a match maker – and now I sort of feel like I am with lots of ...more
ProBlogger Site News