Darren Rowse

Relational Blogging
Today I spent a little more time reading Darby Checkett’s ‘Leverage‘ (aff) and was drawn to a chapter titled ‘The Best Investment You’ll Ever Make’. Darby’s book is about how to achieve ‘tipping points’ through different leverages and this chapter focusses upon Relationships as one of those leverages. Early in ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

How much money is a blog Worth?
Simon at Bloggasm has been asking himself a question that I hear increasing debate over ‘how much money is a blog worth?’ Simon’s seen attempt to put values at blogs which seem overblown (for example the one that Dane came up with at Business Opportunities which was based upon the ...more
Pro Blogging News

112 Days until Christmas – Is Your Blog Ready?
September has arrived at last and entrepreneurial bloggers and web-masters everywhere are rejoicing! Why? I’ll give you a hint…. Yesterday I was in one of my city’s big department stores and I saw something that shocked me a little – they’d begun putting up their Christmas decorations! Traditionally August is ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Official Problogger Seal
Looking for an official seal for your blog? No? Neither was I until I found the Official Seal Generator. This one goes in the ‘weekend distractions’ basket. found via Presurfer
Pro Blogging News

Slander In Comments – What are the Legalities?
I’ve been asked 3 times over the last few weeks what the legal implications of letting people post comments on your blog are and to this point I’ve never been able to point them to a case that I knew of where legal action was taken over comments. But it ...more
Pro Blogging News

Why Having a Blog is Like Having a Baby
This Sunday is Fathers Day here in Australia and to celebrate my first one as a Dad I thought I’d do a little post on why having a blog is like having a baby. Disclaimer – yes I know having a blog is nothing like having a baby – for ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Sailing vs Rowing (or how to get your Blog going when it loses Momentum)
‘When the Wind Stops Blowing, Start Rowing’ – Darby Checkett, “Leverage” Have you ever felt like the wind in your blogging ‘sails’ disappeared? Perhaps it’s time to start ‘rowing’. Wind in Your Blogging Sails Over my three years of blogging there have been many times where it felt like the ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Speedlinking – 1 September 2006
If you’re a web developer looking for distraction or with a few days to kill you might like to check out the Web Developer’s Handbook – with around 1000 links for Web Developers there’s sure to be something for everyone (although I can think of a few links that they ...more
Pro Blogging News