Darren Rowse

AdSense adds 200×200 Ad Unit
Jen points out that AdSense have added a new 200×200 ad unit size for publishers. I always love it when they add a new ad size as it presents new possibilities. The 200×200 ad unit is called ‘Small Square’ and is available in both text and image ads. Here’s examples ...more

How Much is a Blog Post Worth? – Paying Bloggers
How much would you write a blog post for? I’ve had two emails today from bloggers asking how much they should charge per post for their blogging services and one email from a blog network asking how much I think is fair to pay bloggers per post. note – all ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Speedlinking 22 September 2006
Nik reveals that he knows who the blogger behind Dead 2.0 (an anonymous blog) is. More importantly he goes on to share some good information for ‘anonymous’ to read about the vulnerabilities around their identity. Zookoda (the newsletter service for bloggers) is up for sale. They feel they’ve taken it ...more
ProBlogger Site News

Factors for Successful Linkbaiting
So far in this series on link bait we’ve attempted to define linkbaiting, we’ve looked at the benefits of doing it and yesterday I described a variety of Linkbaiting Techniques. The techniques I looked at yesterday are good starting points engaging in them doesn’t guarantee that they’ll succeed. Everyday many ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

How to Assemble the Biggest List of ‘How To’ Blog Posts Ever – Reader Submissions Part III
I’m getting lots of great feedback today (as well as 80 more entries) in the How to… group writing project. Check out this comment from one participant who got 60,000 visitors to his post as a result of the project (which started a Diggalanche)! The reason I started these projects ...more
ProBlogger Site News

AdSense Get Groovy and Thank MTV Ad Testers with Lava Lamps
Publishers participating in the AdSense MTV premium video pilot should keep an eye on their mail boxes over the next few days as they are likely to have a package arrive containing… wait for it…. a Lava lamp. Yep – publishers who were part of the program (like shoemoney (pictured ...more

Bloggers in Wikipedia – I’m a Wikipedia Reject
Steve pointed yesterday to a page on Wikipedia that listed 200 American bloggers. I found it interesting that Wikipedia allowed these pages to remain up – not because they’re bad pages but because I’ve seen numerous bloggers complain about other bloggers pages being deleted. I don’t know what the rules ...more
Pro Blogging News

Speedlinking 21 September 2006
Chris has a good post exploring the topic of whether you should use Sitemaps or not Get 10 Free MiniCards with your Flickr pictures on them from moo.com (get in quick because there’s only 10,000 free packs). Neil shares some thoughts on using digg and Netscape to get traffic Lorelle ...more
Pro Blogging News

20 Linkbaiting Techniques
As I’ve mentioned numerous times already in this series on linkbaiting – ‘linkbait’ is a term that is used to describe a variety of practices that have the purpose of generating links to your site. It is impossible to come up with a definitive list of what these practices are ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips