Darren Rowse

Developing Focal Points in Blog Posts
27th of September 2006 Darren Rowse 5 Comments

Developing Focal Points in Blog Posts

One of the principles that I drum into my DPS readers that their photos need to have a point of interest or some sort of focal point that draws viewers into the image and holds their interest. I suggest that before photographers hit the shutter button that they as: “What ...more
Writing Content
103bees Adds Long Tail Analysis
27th of September 2006 Darren Rowse 3 Comments

103bees Adds Long Tail Analysis

103bees has added yet another new and illuminating feature to it’s search engine metrics package. This time they’re giving publishers a visual representation of the long tail of search engine queries for their blogs. So for ProBlogger you’ll see the graph below (click for a slightly larger version) which shows ...more
Blogging Tools and Services
WordPress.com offer VIP Hosting
26th of September 2006 Darren Rowse 20 Comments

WordPress.com offer VIP Hosting

WordPress have announced that they’re getting into VIP Hosting which allows some pretty major blogs to ‘piggyback’ on the back of their WordPress.com hosting infrastructure. Basically it’s for blogs that don’t want to use WordPress.com as a platform but who need reliable hosting for their blog. Here’s how they describe ...more
Pro Blogging News
Starting An Internet Business Yaro Style
26th of September 2006 Darren Rowse 6 Comments

Starting An Internet Business Yaro Style

Yaro has written a post titled 8 Pitfalls To Avoid When Starting An Internet Business which contains some worthwhile advice (although i disagree with a couple in part). His points in bold – my comments after in normal type: Don’t start a business teaching how to make money online – ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips
Techmeme Experiments with Feed/Content Advertising
26th of September 2006 Darren Rowse 1 Comment

Techmeme Experiments with Feed/Content Advertising

Techmeme has launched a new sponsorship section on their site in the last day or so. It’s called ‘Techmeme Sponsor Posts’ and is essentially a spot on their sidebar where three sponsors have the latest posts from their blogs show up with a title and excerpt (taken from their RSS ...more
Pro Blogging News
How Do You Manage Your Blog? – Blog Administration
26th of September 2006 Darren Rowse 18 Comments

How Do You Manage Your Blog? – Blog Administration

Over the past few weeks I’ve had a number of people asking me for information on how I manage my time as a blogger and as someone with a number of different aspects of business running side by side. Here’s an example of one of the questions (from a reader ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips
Which Font is Best for Blogging?
26th of September 2006 Darren Rowse 27 Comments

Which Font is Best for Blogging?

Before and After Magazine have a great PDF download on choosing the right typeface (via LifeClever). It’s actually a topic I’ve been asked about twice today so it is a timely find. I’m no expert on design but my approach to choosing fonts is two fold: 1. Take on board ...more
Blog Design
Full Stops (Periods) in Titles
26th of September 2006 Darren Rowse 25 Comments

Full Stops (Periods) in Titles

Here’s a quick tip for composing the titles of your posts. Avoid putting full stops (periods) at the end of your titles. Most bloggers naturally avoid using them in titles (without giving much thought to it). However from time to time I see them. Why shouldn’t you use full stops ...more
Writing Content
How Much Is a Blog Post Worth? A Formula?
25th of September 2006 Darren Rowse 8 Comments

How Much Is a Blog Post Worth? A Formula?

Interesting post over at Steve Pavlina’s which takes up the question that I wrote about last week – How Much Is a Blog Post Worth? In the post Steve decides that posts on his blog are worth $2400 calculated over a 10 year life span. He calculates this by taking ...more
Pro Blogging News