Darren Rowse

Plan Your Next Week’s Posting Schedule
Your task today in the 31 Day Project is to plan out a posting schedule for the next week of your blog. Are You a Planner or an Impulsive Blogger? When I first started blogging my posting style was incredibly impulsive. I would sit down at my computer with no ...more
31 Days to Building a Better Blog

Email an Old Timer Reader
Today your task in the 31 Day Project is a fairly simple one – it’s to Email one (or more if you have time) one of your ‘old timer’ readers. Do you have readers that have been reading your blog since the ‘early days’ of your blogging? You know the ...more
31 Days to Building a Better Blog

New AdSense Units Spotted
Today I’ve had a few emails from people spotting new types of AdSense ads with links not only in the ad but under the ad also. Here’s one from Paul: Here’s one (via Jacob) – click to enlarge: Having chatted to a few people who’ve spotted them on their blogs ...more

More Great Reader Blog Tips
We’ve hit day 5 in the 31 Days to Building a Better Blog project and I’m hearing some great reports from bloggers who enjoying the daily tasks that I’ve set so far. To help organize the project a little better and to help people keep track of both my tips ...more
ProBlogger Site News

Blog Disclosures – What Should a Blogger Disclose?
Read Write Web has a post on Blogging Ethics and asks When And What Should Bloggers Disclose? Josh who writes the article suggests the following areas should be disclosed: Financial association (investment, ownership etc) Employment Competition Personal involvement When do you include disclaimers when blogging?
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Conduct an About Page Audit
Today your task in the 31 Day Project here at ProBlogger (this is Day 5) is to Conduct an About Page Audit. One of the key pages on a blog is the about page. This page is often used by new readers to a blog to gather information about you ...more
31 Days to Building a Better Blog

31 Days Project Gets Seriously Sweet
I just stumbled upon a little competition that a few bloggers have got running alongside the 31 Days to Building a Better Blog Project that I’m running here at ProBlogger. dswaters and fmclean are taking it to a new level and are challenging each other to take part and are ...more
ProBlogger Site News

Should You Cross Link Your Blogs and Does Server Location Matter? Google Tells All
The official Google Webmaster Central Blog has a few interesting snippets for those interested in optimizing their blog for search engines: Should You Cross link Your Blogs? Many bloggers cross link between their blogs in the hope of getting a little Google Juice. I’ve done this for a long time ...more
Search Engine Optimization

Interlinking Posts
Today’s task in the 31 Days to Building a Better Blog project is to dig back into your archives and do some interlinking of posts. As you add more and more content to your blog there will be more and more opportunity to link your posts together so that readers ...more
31 Days to Building a Better Blog