Darren Rowse

How to Kick off a Great Comment Thread by Targeting Previous Commenters
Do you struggle to get comments on your posts? This morning I was chatting to a group of b5media bloggers in our weekly internal chat about a strategy that I occasionally use to get more comments on particular posts. This tip will only work on blogs that have had people ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

I’d like to Thank My First Grade Teacher…. My Parents….
Thanks to everyone who voted ProBlogger the Best Blog about Blogging in the 2007 Blogger’s Choice Awards. Congrats to BloggingBasics101 and Lorelle for coming in 2nd and 3rd. Apparently there was an awards ceremony of sorts a few nights back in Vegas where it was all announced and I get ...more
ProBlogger Site News

WidgetBucks to Stop Monetizing Non North American Traffic – Interview with Matt Hulett from WidgetBucks
Over the last couple of months there’s been a lot written about new ad network – WidgetBucks. As with any new player in this market there has a lot of varied opinions shared about them with some publishers reporting quite amazing conversion and others finding the system frustrating as the ...more

AdSense CTR – Has it Changed for You?
Yesterday it was revealed that AdSense were making the clickable portions of their Ad Units Smaller. Today we’re seeing these changes rolling out on different publishers sites. It seems that this means different things for different ad unit sizes. For example 468×60 and 234×60 ad units still seem clickable on ...more

Movable Type Announce MT Community Solution
SixApart (the company behind Movable Type) has announced a new product that extends MT4 called Movable Type Community Solution. This new product looks like it takes MT into a social networking kind of direction and incorporates a long list of features including: Member Profiles: Registered members of your community can ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

How I Make Money Blogging
Below you’ll find my latest update on how I make money blogging (this is something I post about every few months – although it’s been a over six months since I last did it ). Also note – I go into a lot of detail on how I make money ...more
Blogging for Dollars

AdSense Make Ad Units Less Clickable
Important news arrived in my inbox yesterday from AdSense (as I mentioned in yesterdays post). I didn’t initially publish it because it wasn’t public – but other bloggers have done so making my keeping to my agreement with Google not to write about it fairly pointless (one of the problems ...more

ProBlogger T-Shirts – Get Yours Today
I’ve been hinting at it for a while now – but today I’m happy to announce that I’ve put together a few options for you to purchase ProBlogger T-Shirts. You can see the ‘range’ at the ProBlogger T-Shirt Store over at Printfection but here’s a sample of some of them. ...more
ProBlogger Site News

New Job Board Model Launch at FreelanceSwitch
Job Boards have been appearing on a number of blogs lately (including ProBlogger’s blog job board of course) but most have had the same business model. That being that advertisers pay for the job listing. FreelanceSwitch is experimenting with a new business model for their job board and announced it ...more
Pro Blogging News