Darren Rowse

Smashing Magazine’s Tipping Points
Today Vitaly Friedman, Chief Editor of Smashing Magazine shares the tipping point/s of that blog. Since the very beginning of our magazine we had only one goal in mind: helping out fellows designers and developers, smashing them with the information that will make their lives easier. Since then we have ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

ProBlogger The Book – Readers Pictures Round 1
Last week I asked those readers who have bought a copy of the ProBlogger book to send in a picture of them with the book. I put up 3 prizes for my favorite pictures (a book at Amazon to the value of $20). Below you’ll see all of the submitted ...more
ProBlogger Site News

12 Traits of Successful Bloggers
I was just doing an interview on an Aussie radio station and was asked to name some traits of successful bloggers. My initial reaction was to giggle – because no two successful bloggers are the same – however as I began to answer I realized that there are some common ...more
Featured Posts

Monday Morning Coffee with Darren and Guy
Over the weekend one of the more comprehensive interviews that I’ve done of late went live over at Sun.com. The interview was with Guy Kawasaki (he interviewed me) and covers everything from: Small Business Blogging How much bloggers can make Seth Godin’s “no-comments” policy ValleyWag’s “ask us permission to comment” ...more
Pro Blogger Interviews

Take the Blogging Survey
Chris Garrett is running a Global Blogger and Blogging Survey which I can’t wait to see the result of. Take the survey here.
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Wendy Piersall Shares her Blog’s Tipping Point
Today Wendy Piersall from Sparkplugging answers my question of about when her blog had it’s Tipping Point. This is actually a difficult question for me, because there were several tipping points. The first one was the first link I received from an A-List blogger – you. It opened up a ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Understanding the Blog Lifecycle To Prevent Common Downfalls
In this post Jeff from BuzzMyBlog.com examines the life cycle of a blog and gives some tips on how to buck the trend and keep your blog growing over the long haul. The average blog does not stick around for a long time. Sure, a couple big name blogs continue ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

On Making Your Blog Design Work For You
I’m doing most of my linking out to the great posts that I read over on Twitter these days but today a post by Chris Brogan got my attention that I’d particularly like to highlight. You can read it at: Make Your Blog Design Work For You What I like ...more
Blog Design

Frank Warren from PostSecret Shares His Blog’s Tipping Point
In this post Frank Warren from PostSecret answers my question – ‘when was the Tipping Point of your blog?’ My story might be a little different because my blog is dependant upon anonymous users mailing me silly, sexual or shocking secrets on postcards. The tipping point for my project/blog came ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips