Darren Rowse

How to Write Fast
Alisa Bowman from projecthappilyeverafter.com shares some tips on writing fast. So you haven’t quite monetized your blog. That means you’re still working 8 or so hours in the non-virtual world for that paycheck. You may also have many other time commitments. They are called marriage, parenthood, friendships and Twitter. With ...more
Featured Posts

Get Inspiration from Blog Comments When Writing your Next Post
Today Marko shares a quick tip on how to generate post ideas from the comments left on previous posts. At the time of writing this, there has been 34 comments to my Create A Media Kit To Attract Advertisers To Your Blog guest post at ProBlogger.net. One of the good ...more
Writing Content

How to Upgrade to WordPress 2.7 Safely and Ensure Compatibility
Many bloggers are upgrading versions in WordPress at the moment to 2.7 – so when Hendry Lee offered to write this guide to doing it I thought it’d be useful to many. Enjoy. WordPress 2.7 codename “Coltrane” has been released earlier in December 2008, with the most significant change being ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

How to Restart a Dead or Dormant Blog
Got an old dead blog that you want to restart? In this guest post David Peralty of College Crunch shares some tips on how to get it going again! Over the course of time, you might have left one of your blogs, or maybe your only blog to die off. ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Why Your Blog Should Do Community Service Work
In this guest post Debbie Dubrow from DeliciousBaby.com looks at the idea of using a blog to do community service work. For most of us, our blogs are a place to share our passions, engage with new people, and hopefully make a little money. I want to share with you ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Seasons Greetings and Why I’m Thankful
It’s just ticked over to Christmas Day here in Australia and I wanted to take a moment from the normal rhythm of this blog to stop and wish you all a Merry Christmas. Here in Australia we don’t do ‘Thanksgiving’ as a holiday and so in our house Christmas is ...more
ProBlogger Site News

How to Secure an Advertiser for Your Blog
How do I sell advertising on my blog? It is a question that I’m asked a lot so when Brandon J. Mendelson asked if he could write a post on this topic as someone who has sold a lot of advertising online and in TV I thought it’d make a ...more

What to Do With Your Blog Over the Holidays
Image by SummachPhoto Today I had a good discussion with my Twitter followers about what they were doing with their blogs over the Christmas break later this week. Most of the answers came down to the strategies that I mention in this old post here at ProBlogger – 7 Things ...more
Reader Questions

Blog Blazers – Get a Glimpse in the Mind of 40 Successful Bloggers
One of the books that has hit my mailbox lately for review is Blog Blazers – a book of interviews with 40 top bloggers exploring how to create successful blogs. The book is by Stephane Grenier from FollowSteph.com and it features some great bloggers (some who will be familiar with ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips