Six Apart has just released an upgrade to Movable Type – Movable Type 3.16.
The upgrade includes:
• Fixed email notifications for entries and moderated comments which were broken for some users in the last release
• Fixed several bugs affecting customers running Movable Type on Windows servers including a plugin API bug that caused broken links to plugin configuration screens
• Fixed a bug with AltTemplatePath that now allows you to easily and completely customize your MT administrative interface
• Made significant improvements to the posting interfaces including numerous bug fixes with QuickPost and hierarchical display of categories
• Implemented better error checking and data validation throughout the program leading to fewer dead-ends and cryptic error messages
• Fixed several issues with dynamic publishing
• Includes a new open-source version of the ‘nofollow’ plugin exhibiting many best practices of plugin development. If you have the previous version installed, it’s preferable to remove it. See the post on Pronet for more on this.
Read more at Movable Type 3.16 released