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Tabbed Browsing for Bloggers

Arieanna has a good post on why she loves Firefox as a blogger. As I was reading it – especially this following section on tabbed browsing – I found myself agreeing with her whole heartedly – although for me you just need to substitute the word ‘Firefox’ with ‘Safari’ throughout her article. Here’s what she says about tabbed browsing:

‘I use Bloglines to read most of my news. My preferred method of reading is just to open up a folder all at once (I organize my subscriptions into folders so I can prioritize my reading). Bloglines then delivers all new posts for all blogs in that folder in a linear fashion. So, I scroll down the page reading post titles that appeal to me. If there is something I want to read more fully and/or perhaps blog on, I will middle click or Control+click to open that post in a new TAB. I have set my preferences so that new tabs open “in the background,” so to speak. Let me explain this: I tell Firefox to open the tab, but it does so by just opening a new tab behind the one I am currently reading. Non disruptive. I can keep reading without any popup or any clutter in my taskbar.

Why do I like this? Well, I have two stages for reading my blog subscriptions. Approaching 200 blog subscriptions, it is impossible to read everything, nor does everything interest me.

Stage 1: look at titles. If appealing, open tab. Keep scanning down for more.

Stage 2: Go through each tab and read the posts.

Another great advantage of tabbed browsing is the ability to read a webpage fully from top to bottom, while also opening up links you think would be interesting to read more about. No having to press the back button a ton of times. Each link is a possibility for a new tab. Indeed, I think I’ve come close to having 50 open at once. Try that with IE windows. No thanks.’

Read more at Firefox for blog reading

About Darren Rowse
Darren Rowse is the founder and editor of ProBlogger Blog Tips and Digital Photography School. Learn more about him here and connect with him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
  1. Thank goodness I’m not alone! This is exactly how I read blogines every morning and the best way to do it, open what you want to read on a new tab as you go then come back to it, otherwise your constantly flipping between content, although admittedly I right click then left click on open in new tab

  2. What I think this also shows is the importance of writing good (intriguing/enticing/informative) headlines.

  3. I do this as well. And I hate that Safari will just close everything if you accidentally hit Command-Q (Quit) instead of Command-W (Close Window)! Man that’s annoying.

  4. I just threw out about 60 feeds, but still am at 700 blogs – and just added some new from you. But yes, this is exactly the way I do read it. And this even when I have to use IE, here it is click on it and it will open a new window in the foreground, but then it is just alt tab (still annoying, but okay.)

    The reason to have folders is to seperate those different aspects of reading habbits. This is why this whole ‘but I want you to read my blog!!” thing has no meaning – articles I am interested in, I do read at the blog because of that.

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