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Speedlinking 4 January 2008

Posted By Darren Rowse 4th of January 2008 Pro Blogging News 0 Comments

Some links from my feed reader:

  • Bobs Brain Dump has a useful post – Social Networking Tips and Business Plan. Thanks to JeffRoyce on Twitter for the tip.
  • Blog Bloke has been documenting his migration from Blogger to WordPress platforms. If you’re looking to make the change this will help shed some light on the ups and downs of it
  • Hyder shows you how you can blog anywhere – even if you don’t have a computer.
  • Yaro asks do you really need a unique niche? He talks about the importance of unique relationships and unique communication methods. I think it’s an insightful post – although I wouldn’t abandon the idea of focussing upon a niche either – at least when it comes to blogging. I think unique niche, relationship and communication methods make a nice trifecta to aim for though!
  • Skellie tells you what the web’s best content all has in common.
  • Seth’s done it again and said something worth taking time to ponder in his post Blogs and self promotion. – “Last month, I posted excerpts from my new book. I also wrote a glowing post about Garr’s new book on presentations. Guess what? My stats show that I sold more copies of Garr’s book than mine.” So very true.

    The truism of the web: people talking about you is far more effective than talking about yourself.”

Also there are More Blog Awards today:

  • The Eighth Annual Weblog Awards are open for nominations.
  • Performancing with their Reader’s Choice Poll. Some good blogs in the mix – I feel slightly over represented but thanksforthenominations.

update – A late speedlinking post – WPCandy has just released The Advanced WordPress Help Sheet – a helpful PDF ‘packed with snippets that help extend WordPress’ capabilities.’ For those of you using WP who want to take things a step further – this might be a good one for you.

About Darren Rowse
Darren Rowse is the founder and editor of ProBlogger Blog Tips and Digital Photography School. Learn more about him here and connect with him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
  1. I don’t blog for a particular niche..I guess that’s why 80% of my traffic comes from search engines and not so many people want to subscribe to my blog hm

  2. Great tips in that complimation!

    Oh, and your page is kinda stuffed up…. it happens to the best of us :)

  3. There’s some severe layout quirks in the newest version of Firefox, it looks like a bunch of text is having a party on your right margin.

  4. Thanks for speedlinking to my post :-)

    p.s – I think its the list after “performancing” one for the messed up format – it’s in a separate tag of it’s own and the prior one is not closed out. Basically you’re missing a “” somewhere.

  5. ok, the did not publish in my last comment. you’re missing a tag. feel free to delete this comment.

  6. Jaffer Maniar says: 01/04/2008 at 2:51 pm

    Darren, the correct link to Blog Bloke’s post is:


    There was a problem initially and he has since deleted the duplicate post

  7. The post about finding your niche is very good. Yaro does a good job of breaking the topic down and making the reader think. Bravo!

  8. Blog Bloke: There are people still using Blogger.com? Sucks for them.

    Hyder: I posted a blog from my phone once, but the content sucked. It looked more like a long Tweat.

    Yaro: Bloggers don’t need a UNIQUE niche. They just need a niche. Besides my wife and my mom, not too many other people care for my random thoughts. Tough to gain a following.

    Skellie: Got to agree with him. The squeeky wheel gets the grease. In this case, it’s the audacity of a claim that makes it stick, not the claim itself.

    Seth: He’s right…as usual. I’ve tried both and the latter makes me sound like a egotistical douche-bag.

    Thanks for the linkage! Good stuff.

  9. Scott: Skellie is a girl.

  10. Cool links as per usual, the best one being the WPCandy link for sure!


  11. Thanks for the link about migrating to WordPress…

  12. Thanks for posting my Brain Dump post…traffic has been gracious!

    Checking out your other speedlinks.

  13. Thanks for posting my Advanced WordPress Help Sheet!

  14. You have to love controversial blog titles to get some attention.

    Of course you need a niche, but I think especially for those of you still struggling to find one, thinking about relationships and communicating in some form – even if just to blog to your family and friends – is a good start.

  15. a few nifty links here for newbies looking for info like myself – cheers!

  16. This was a great help
    all fantastic articles
    Would love to see an article on the strategies we can use to make a decent wage from our blogs in just 12 months

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