This is a guest contribution from Richard Akhmerov of Devore Agency.

Image via Flickr user Jerry Nihen.
Have you ever thought to yourself: “Why are some internet marketers so successful, while most are just average?”
Now, we can come up with a variety of excuses as to why they are more successful: a bigger list, better networking, more time invested… But at the end of the day, those ARE just excuses.
There is, however, one thing that successful internet marketers do that the average internet marketer probably doesn’t think twice about. And while these hall of famers constantly talk about it, for most it just goes in one ear and out the other.
What I’m talking about is split testing. Split testing is what truly differentiates an average marketer from an extraordinary one. You see, they didn’t build a huge list by just firing aimlessly. They are strategic and analytical about the way they find prospects, and sell to customers.
If you’ve ever set up an opt-in page looking to gather prospects to add to a list, did you bother split testing with another opt-in page? Let’s say you did, but where did you draw the line? Did you only split test with one other page? Or did you keep testing with a third, fourth and fifth variation?
Success stories rarely come from luck, rather it is the relentless ability to keep trying new variations when one just doesn’t seem like enough. There really is no secret to it, but few will take the actual step to make it happen. It’s similar to being fit and healthy. You KNOW you should go to the gym and eat better, but how many people actually do?
Split testing is the backbone of all successful copywriting. You need to have a control which you can test against variations. You can have the greatest product in the world, but if your copywriting is only mediocre, how well do you think your product will sell?
Sometimes you write copy which you think is a masterpiece, but how will you know without testing? As an internet marketer, you are not branding yourself through television ads or billboards which have no known way of telling us a return on investment. We are lucky enough to live in an age where everything can be checked through analytics, to tell us how well our marketing is doing.
The truth is, you already know all of this information, just like you know that proper nutrition and exercise is the key to a healthy life. The hard part, the part that takes discipline, is implementing it into your marketing efforts. Take the extra step, and see how it changes your business.
Here’s to your success!
Richard Akhmerov is from Devore Agency, you can learn more great information by paying them a visit online.
Thank you for this great post. No wonder why blogger can make a lot of money if he can converts his regular blog visitors to a customer. I agree with split testing in any business especially in affiliate marketing, sometimes article marketing works sometimes not, compare it to video marketing and you’ll be surprise. Or do both if you want to make more sales.
Hello, well this is a good blog post, must you can make it much better.
Thanks for sharing.
This is really an encouraging post for me. Thank you for your writings.
Hi Richard
Great to see you give us all a “call to action”. Split testing is indeed necessary. With split testing, you may discover that your existing traffic could give you 3X more conversions with minor tweaks to your opt in/sales page.
To all Problogger readers – try it out -it Works.
A very interesting article to read. I’ve been trying to increase my conversion rated for a while. Still got a good bit to learn.
This is indeed a great post for every blogger who need encouragement and inspiration as well.Thanks for the share.
I do agree with you that conversions are the most important thing today for any business. Even if you are getting traffic and visitors but not getting conversions then this traffic is of no use.
Ovais Mirza
This is such a nice article.Appreciate the time you spend behind this great article.
More and more people are saying this lately, but I think the key lies in the middle. Sure, you can have all the traffic in the world and not make a dime if it doesn’t convert. But at the same time, you can’t learn to improve your conversions if you don’t have traffic first to make mistakes with. I tell people to try and have a balanced internet diet and split their efforts between traffic and conversions equally, least in the beginning until they can develop a steady flow of traffic. Then all efforts should definitely be shifted to conversions.
Your tips are simple, but useful. I like them very much.
Thanks for sharing the tips.
Good post and thanks for sharing. High conversion rates are the goal of all marketers. You will definitely need to test several versions of your marketing strategy (content, campaigns, etc.)
What an useful article! Thanks for sharing your point of view and i totally agree with you. When it comes to online marketing, CRO takes an important role. It’s a waste of time to do marketing on the net without optimizing the conversion rate. So testing is very neccessary.
Best regards,
Khanh Hoang