Robert just sent me an email telling me about a post that he’s written summing up the ‘Habits of Effective Bloggers’ group writing project that we did last week.
In it he’s collated the Habits suggested by the 80 participants and has come up with a list of 50 habits. Each one has been given a percentage rating to show how many of us mentioned it. So for example ‘posting regularly’ came in as the most popular habit with 55% but ‘drink caffeine’ was only a 1% habit (ironically so too was ‘don’t do drugs’).
Robert’s post is exactly what I was hoping that someone would do with the series and really should be named ‘ProBlogger Readers Definitive List of Habits of Effective Bloggers’.
That’s excellent,
What a great use of the data.
And btw, Darren, thanks for all the project and all of the quality traffic I’ve received since you linked to my article. All the posive feedback has been great.
Wow, thanks for the post Darren. I was hoping for a plug to get added to one of the earlier posts or something, but this new post has driven some excellent attention to my site with some pleased visitors. I’m happy to see that my own curiousity has helped benefit everyone from the project just a little more. I’ve been completely inspired to apply more of the habits to see how things turn out.
Rob (a.k.a. The Retrospector)
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