The AdSense login page has been out of action for most publishers for the last hour or so. Don’t panic – this happens from time to time and usually just means they are either doing maintenance or are upgrading some component of their system.
I seem to remember reading somewhere in the last 24 hours that this was a scheduled downtime. When this has happened previously there has been no impact upon earnings as they continue to track your stats – you just can’t see them.
Instead of checking to see if the stats are back over and over it’s a great opportunity to do some blogging – or better still to enjoy your weekend (a bit of self talk here).
You were probably thinking of an announcement by Google that AdWords will be down tonight (8pm to 2am PST)
I don’t remember seeing anything about AdSense going down, but it may be related.
is this something to do with the Chinese New Year? im seeing dog picture in my google adsense.
Yeah I got a notice on AdWords, nothing on AdSense.
Well whatever happened, they should do it more often – Friday’s earnings were dobule my previous largest daily earnings. Nice!
(OK I’m not about to retire, but still nice, particularly as January had been a little slower)
Yeah, Friday was a bit better than usual, but (for me) Saturday made up for it by being lower than normal.
Right now, Adsense login works, but is obviously not current – it’s showing 225 page impressions for my site, which is 10% or less of reality. One thing I really, really wish they’d do is put an “as of” time on those stats so we know when they are way behind.