Duncan is talking about and Australian Blogging Conference, something many have talked about and have even attempted but few have done. There has been one or two but they tend to be somewhat specialised either focussing tightly upon education or business.
I’d love to see something aimed a bit more at a wider market that incorporates a few different streams.
For example I could envisage a number of large sessions with keynote type speaking – but a number of streams with workshops (interactive), electives (more talking heads) and panels. Streams could be arranged in a number of ways – either upon a sub niches like:
- Educational Blogging
- Business Blogging
- Entrepreneurial Blogging
- Political Blogging
Or perhaps aimed at levels like:
- Beginners
- Intermediate
- Advanced
Another option instead of streams would be one off session electives on the above themes and others including:
- Blog Design
- Blog Promotion
- Blog Writing
- Blog Metrics
Of course the biggest problem with conferences is getting people along. I’m sure a few of us could plan a brilliant event but the question will always be around whether Australia has a big enough blogging population to get everyone along – especially because our population is scattered so widely.
I think the key would be to make it a low cost, low maintenance event that could somehow run with small numbers but which could run with larger numbers if we got that far.
Anyway – my other big problem is time to throw at the planning of such an event. The year ahead is looking quite full already from my perspective. I could pitch in a little time but this thing would really need a champion and probably a major sponsor from the beginning to take it and run with it.
Wherever it is held, we’d just have to make sure that free WiFi is provided … can’t have a blogging conference if nobody can blog about it while there !!
I would love to see a conference locally … even if it is just a small event initially – I’m sure it will grow quickly as people realise how good it can be.
yeah – perhaps small and less formal is the key. Could make it a day long thing to cut out accomodation problems in a cheaper place and see how many come to it. Then 6 months later try for something a bit bigger…..
Hmmm… How about small ones in each capital city (if possible) and including NZ and have them run concurrently and interlinked.
So Duncan in WA might present a workshop in Perth on whatever and it would be streamed to the other venues where it could be participated in by those interested.
So I might go to Melb and take a workshop from Darren in Melb, Duncan in Perth and someone in NZ.
The keynote(s) could be streamed to all venues for all participants.
I know there’s some logistical nightmares there – but lets talk possibilities before we talk realities.
Many of us couldn’t afford or justify interstate travel so this approach would lessen travel costs. And with less travel costs, I’d have more to spend on the event itself.
I would certainly be interested in attending if one came around this way.
I guess the alternative is an online conference?
I’ve got no problem with the wide angle lens approach, if someone feels they can get it all together. My personal interest is more in something more focused, for small to medium sized business people and bloggers who are interested in finding out what synergies can be created between pro bloggers’ expertise and the needs of the small biz owner who wants to get with what’s happening and I suspect there would be enough curiosity in that sme and even solo trader sector to get a reasonable bunch of smart people together and have some creative business outcomes.
Duncan Riley’s Call for an Australian Business Blogging Conference
Been meaning to follow up more quickly on Duncan Riley’s clarion call for people to help put together an Australian business blogging conference. I talked/emailed with a few people about this a few months ago and found that, as the comments on Duncan…
Australian Blogging Conference in March 2007 Announced…
I would love to see an Australian blogging conference happen and of course would love to participate.
Just over a ……