30th of May 2012 Darren Rowse

Conversion Optimization: Our New Series

Of all the topics that bloggers ask me about, conversion optimization is among those at the top of the list. All of us have conversion goals of some sort. It doesn’t matter whether you’re aiming to make money blogging, or you’re in it purely for pleasure, you’ll probably want to ...more
Featured Posts
29th of May 2012 Guest Blogger

The Naked Marketing Guide to Getting Dramatically More Traffic and Subscribers

This guest post is by Danny Iny of Firepole Marketing. Let’s be real for a second. There’s a lot of information out there about traffic. Tons of it. Entire blogs. Some good, some bad, and some just in between. And tons of posts about it, too—including right here on this blog. ...more
Blog Promotion
21st of May 2012 Guest Blogger

Use Monroe’s Motivated Sequence to Call Your Readers to Action

This guest post is by Sean Davis of SDavisMedia.com. Blogs do not produce income. Simply writing and publishing content does not increase your bank account balance. The idea that money is a direct result of blogging is a myth that the best bloggers have dismissed, but most choose to treat ...more
Blogging for Dollars
17th of May 2012 Guest Blogger

5 Effective Tricks to Create a Killer Call to Action

This guest post is by Greg Digneo of Sales Leads in Thirty Days. Here’s the dirty little secret: there are actually two steps to building an extremely popular blog. The first and most popular step is to drive traffic by guest posting, social media, and SEO. The far less sexy ...more
Blog Promotion
7th of May 2012 Guest Blogger

How to Be a Problogger on Tumblr

This is a guest post by Gregory Ciotti of Sparring Mind. When it comes to blogging, a number of platforms have come and gone. Recently, Posterous was acquired by Twitter, signifying that a shut-down of the platform was imminent. I noticed this in a big way; my blog, called I ...more
Blog Networks
4th of May 2012 Guest Blogger

Physical and Free: How to Use Real-World Gifts to Inexpensively Drive Online Traffic

This guest post is by Danny Iny of Firepole Marketing. If you’re reading this, you probably want traffic. And when it comes to traffic, there’s a lineup of “usual suspects” to consider; there’s SEO, PPC, blog commenting, Facebook, Twitter, and the list goes on and on. Except I’m guessing that ...more
Blog Promotion
30th of April 2012 Guest Blogger

If Your Email Newsletter Isn’t Generating Cash, You’re Doing Something Wrong

This guest post is by Kelly Crawford of Generation Cedar. The most important tool available to a blogger is his email subscriber list. It is the easiest and fastest way to increase sales. You probably already know that the readers who have voluntarily signed up to hear more of what ...more
Blog Promotion
27th of April 2012 Guest Blogger

Unearthing Your Blog’s Money Pages

This guest post is by the Web Marketing Ninja. Earlier today, Greg explored the question of pricing products that you’re creating for sale on your blog. Setting the right price for your products is extremely important, but I wanted to take that discussion one step further for those who are already ...more
Blogging for Dollars
10th of April 2012 Guest Blogger

A Systematic Approach to Writing Successful Blog Posts

This guest post is by Jane Sheeba. “Success” is a very relative term. Unless you define it precisely, it’s very easy to become lost in a sea of assumptions. You can work hard on building a blog without having defined your “success,” but if you do, how will you know ...more
Writing Content