How to Find Your Reader’s Questions and Improve Your Blog

103 bees has added a very useful tool to their search terms analysis system.

Previously they enabled users to track what keywords people were using to arrive at your blog but now they’ve added questions analysis.

They’ve worked out a way to tell if a search term is a question or not. As they write on their blog ‘questions carry a lot more valuable information on what the target audience is looking for than just a few keywords do.’

So at ProBlogger when I check to see what the latest questions are I get this:

How useful is that? In effect just by analyzing these 11 questions that brought people to ProBlogger in the last 2 hours I could quite easily have found 11 new topics to write about in upcoming posts.

You’ll notice the ‘page’ link next to each result. This is a link to the page that the question led the reader to on your blog. This is useful to know as it will help you to analyze what you did well on that page in terms of SEO and might even give you some hints of how you might want to optimize that page to increase your SE ranking for such a question.

The ‘ToDo!’ link allows you to make a note of this question in a to do list so that you can follow up on it later.

The only thing I’d love to see added to this feature is some sort of a compilation of the list to see what questions are asked more than other questions. As you can see by the times on the above list – here at ProBlogger there are ALOT of questions that readers seem to be asking to find the blog – too many in fact to fully digest. To see a list of the top questions would be extremely helpful.

I guess until then I’ll need to put some time aside each week to scan through the latest ones and hope that they are representative.

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