Google Reader Suggest ‘Feed Bundles’ to Users

Posted By Darren Rowse 1st of October 2007 RSS

It looks like Google is rolling out suggested prepackaged ‘bundles’ (or is this something that they’re just promoting afresh? – update – seems it is an old feature according to commenters below) of RSS feeds for it’s users to subscribe to.

In categories like news, technology, video, cars and photography (a total of 15 categories) they are bundling popular feeds with between 5 and 9 feeds in each category.

Taking a quick look through the bundled feeds there isn’t too many surprises in the feeds included – although I’d have thought that they probably could have found a few more feeds in most categories.

Being included in one of these bundles would mean a serious increase in subscriber count – I wonder who one has to sleep speak with at Google to get included in one of them! I can think of one useful addition to their photography bundle!

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