Generating High Quanitities of Blog Content – Start a New Blog

Posted By Darren Rowse 28th of September 2004 Writing Content

This is the third post in a series of tips on how to generate higher quantities of content for your blog. Check out the other posts in this series at Check out the previous posts at Set Targets, News Sites and Aggregators, Start a New Blog, Break Down Your Posts, Ecto and Recruit Writers.

Start a new blog – Many of the successful professional bloggers that I’ve observed over the past few months have highly targeted topics and themes for their blogs (for example Weblogs Inc’s stable of blogs). There are many benefits of having a niche blog both in terms of getting ranked in Google and getting quality contextual ads. However there is only so much that you can blog about each day on most topics.

I realized a few months ago that most days I could find quality material for at least 5-10 posts on my Digital Camera blog but that unless there was a trade show on that I generally had a lot more time to blog each day than it took for those posts. As a result I’ve diversified my blogs and have started another four blogs (including this one) in the past fortnight. Now rather than just posting 5-10 posts on Digicams each day I can post 5-10 posts on four subjects. I’ve just quadrupled the amount of content that I could post each day.

Of course you need to be careful that you don’t bite off more than you can chew – add a blog and see how it goes. If you find you’ve still got time to post more add more until you hit a level that doesn’t burn you out but that gets you generating an optimum quantity of content each day.

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