Thanks for subscribing to the ProBlogger Newsletter. As a quick thank you for subscribing here is an interview with six figure blogger Pat Flynn. I hope you find his story both inspiring and informative as you build your own blog.
Listen: Interview with Pat Flynn [MP3]
Please be patient with the download – at least for the first 24 hours after this is released it could be a little slow with over 30,000 subscribers trying to access it at once! If you’re having trouble please do try again later.
Apologies for the quality of the audio in a few spots on this interview – we tried a couple of times to perfect the line but it was a little faded at points but I hope you find it listenable.
Relevant Links
- Green Exam Academy – the site we spent most of our time talking about in this interview.
- Smart Passive Income – Pat’s blog about making money online.
- Follow Pat on Twitter
- Pat’s Facebook Page
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