Bloglines Problems

Posted By Darren Rowse 6th of August 2006 Blogging Tools and Services

Numerous bloggers are reporting issues with Bloglines again today. I’ve been noticing it for at least 24 hours here – folders that say they have unread items that when you click on them have nothing in them as well as other folders that seem to be empty but which actually do have items in them.

I can’t see any notifications from Bloglines that explain it but something is definitely wrong from what I can see. I just hope I’m not losing the unread items that it’s missing when they do fix the problem.

Others noticing problems – here, here and here.

Update: It seems that Bloglines have written something about their problem but those of us with it probably didn’t get the message – as our Bloglines isn’t working! The explanation is:

“We are aware that some users have been seeing inaccurate counts on their subscription lists. This is related to the maintanance we performed Wednesday, August 3rd which included upgrades to our databases. Unfortunately, due to the massive amount of data we store, many of the systems are taking a few days to catch up with work. There is no loss of data or functionality, but the sheer size of the synchronization is causing the inaccuracies in count to occur. We are working to speed up the synchronization and remove this bottleneck from the system in the future. In the meantime, we apologize for this inconvenience and disruption to your Bloglines reading rituals.”

I’m not sure if this is the issue that I’m having but it does seem to be taking quite a while to fix. I’m seeing quite bizarre results – one minute folders seem to have unread items, the next they don’t. Hopefully things will be back to normal shortly.

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