BlogBurst Officially Launch

Posted By Darren Rowse 2nd of May 2006 Blogging Tools and Services

I’m seeing a bit of buzz around today about BlogBurst
TechCrunch advises that BlogBurst officially launches today.

BlogBurst is a service that syndicates blogger’s content to mainstream media. The publishers using the content pay a CPM based fee to BlogBurst for the content and the blogger gets free exposure and a link back to their blog (they don’t get paid for it).

Since I mentioned BlogBurst a number of months ago I’ve heard from quite a few readers who say that they’ve been approached by them to become publishers. Quite a few have signed up already.

I’d be keen to hear from bloggers in comments below (anonymously if you’d prefer) if you’ve been approached and to hear about how you made the decision either to join or to stay out of it. If you’ve had articles published already I’d love to hear how that went also.

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