103bees Adds Long Tail Analysis

Posted By Darren Rowse 27th of September 2006 Blogging Tools and Services

103bees has added yet another new and illuminating feature to it’s search engine metrics package.

This time they’re giving publishers a visual representation of the long tail of search engine queries for their blogs. So for ProBlogger you’ll see the graph below (click for a slightly larger version) which shows the last few days search term distribution.

In that time there have been 4695 unique terms searched for at ProBlogger from 7253 visitors. Of the 4695 terms 4149 (or 88%) were searched for once only and brought in 57% of the traffic. This means that 12% of the terms search for brought in 43% of traffic.

The result is a classic ‘long tail’.

Of the four blogs that I run 103bees on this is a very typical result with all four having very similar numbers.

I’m still trying to get my head around how useful the information actually is but it does illustrate a couple of things.

  1. a small number of search terms (and pages) bring in a disproportionately high amount of traffic
  2. despite this there’s ALOT of other ways that people enter my blogs
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