What’s Wrong with Blogging? – Take 2

Posted By Darren Rowse 4th of February 2006 Pro Blogging News

Last year I did something that I thought I’d never do (as a lover of blogs) – I invited readers to share what they thought was wrong with blogging and today I think it’s time to do it again.

I introduced the question last time by sharing a story of a debate between a Christian group and Pagan group where each group was asked to not argue FOR their own belief system but to share what they disliked about it. The result was fascinating.

Instead of it ending in an angry fight where everyone just had their beliefs reinforced the debate was actually quite constructive with both groups coming away having learnt something about the other and more importantly themselves.

Out of this story I invited readers to share (in a similar spirit) what they felt was ‘wrong’ with Blogging.

The benefits of Blogging are often talked up as though they are the answer to every online need – but I think most of us if we are honest would admit that it’s a format that does have limitations and has room for improvement. So – like last year – I thought I’d pose the question again.

What’s wrong with blogging? What are it’s limitations, weaknesses and where does it need to improve?

My hope is that by answering this question and deconstructing blogging a little we can play a part in the improvement of blogging as a whole. By identifying what’s wrong perhaps we can improve it.

Like last time the rules are simple – say anything you like about blogging as long as it’s not positive (note: I’m not inviting you to critique individual bloggers – but the medium itself). You can do this in comments below or by writing a post on your own blog (just leave a link below so we can find it). There are no wrongs and rights and everyone’s critique of the medium are valid and welcome.

So – what’s wrong with blogging?

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