What to Do When Rejected from Joining Adsense

Posted By Darren Rowse 8th of May 2005 Adsense

If at first you don’t succeed – try try again…

In my regular reading of Adsense discussion forums I often read stories of people being declined acceptance into the program. Whilst Google do accept most applications to join they do have a number of rules that mean some sites won’t get accepted (their policies page has a list of things you may not include on your site including excessive profanity, violence, racial intolerance, pornography etc).

Often when people are rejected from joining Adsense they kick up a stink in forums and attack Google for being narrow minded censors (insert favorite excessive profanity here).

Whilst such a response is understandable the Tin Man has an interesting post illustrating that sometimes its worth politely questioning such a decision by Adsense and asking them to take another look at your application. In this case the answer was that Adsense had made a mistake and had reversed their decision.

I’ve seen this happen a number of times – on one occasion the applicant made a few minor changes to their blog before asking Google to reconsider (with reference and URLs of the changes made) – once again they were successful in this.

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