Wendy Wins

Posted By Darren Rowse 15th of March 2007 Pro Blogging News

Congratulations to Wendy Piersall who won the snap competition to attend the Elite Retreat. She’s excited – and so am I. I get to meet another ProBlogger reader (and she gets to meet an eMoms reader).

By the Way: While I’m traveling in the US Wendy will be one of ProBlogger’s guest bloggers. I suspect after the retreat she’ll have plenty of fresh ideas to write about.

Other Guest Bloggers to look forward to include Neil Patel, Chris Garrett and Liz Strauss (to name just a few).

By the Way 2: Those of you who are planning on coming along to the New York ProBlogger meetup – details should be available of where it will be held in the next 48 hours. If you want me to email you about it leave a comment with a valid email address in the email field on the previous post.

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