Welcome Sydney Morning Herald Readers

Posted By Darren Rowse 11th of March 2006 ProBlogger Site News

Welcome to readers of SMH who may have found themselves here after the article printed there today.

If this is your first time to ProBlogger.net then let me give you a quick tour of my virtual space. Grab a coffee and make yourself comfortable while I show you around.

Firstly, ProBlogger is a blog that is devoted to helping bloggers improve their blogging and explore ways to earn an income at the same time by writing about topics that they love – here’s a couple of links to give you a little information about me and about this blog.

If you’re new to blogging you might find this ‘what is a blog?‘ article and my recent series on Blogging for Beginners helpful.

If you’re interested in blogging for money here’s one on how bloggers are making money from blogging.

If you like what you read here you can follow my future entries (I write several times per day most days) in two ways – firstly I send a free email newsletter every week which you can subscribe to and secondly if you read RSS feeds you can subscribe to mine here.

The article also mentions my Digital Camera Blog and Church (LivingRoom) Blog (a bit out of date) which you might be interested in reading more of.

Lastly the article in the SMH today mentioned b5media – a blog network that I am a part owner of. You can find it b5media.com where you’ll find the our central page. In the right hand sidebar there you’ll find the 85+ blogs in the network which should keep you busy for quite a while – have fun!

Thanks for stopping by – I hope you enjoy your stay at ProBlogger and b5media.

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