Weekend Events

Posted By Darren Rowse 12th of December 2005 Pro Blogging News

I’m back after my weekend ‘off’. It was definitely off in terms of blogging however a very busy one on other fronts with weddings (one of them my sister) and other personal commitments. I took close to 1000 photos over the weekend something I really enjoyed.

Of course having the weekend off means that big news is bound to happen on a pro blogging front and this weekend there were a few stories that I’d have covered if I were here.

One of these is that BlogAds secured a big deal this week with MSNBC. They signed up over 800 blogs to a campaign they are running, their biggest campaign they’ve ever signed. I’ve got the campaign running on a couple of my blogs.

Also in news being reported everywhere this weekend was the sale of del.icio.us to Yahoo! Looks like the big online players are continuing to buy up emerging technologies and services. One has to wonder who will be next. I wonder who is courting Digg for instance.

I’m sure there are other stories that have broken over the weekend. I guess I’ll discover them as I wander through my RSS feeds today.

Hope your weekend was good.

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