Today is Blogger Appreciation Day [UNOFFICIAL]

Posted By Darren Rowse 14th of April 2008 Miscellaneous Blog Tips

It’s Monday morning here in Australia and even Problogger’s suffer from ‘Mondayitis’ and find it hard to get themselves going. However today has been a little different – for some reason today there’s a little extra inspiration in my inbox.

You see today I had three completely unsolicited ‘thank you’ emails from readers.

I’m lucky enough to get these sorts of emails from time to time and can’t express how much energy that I find they give me.

I’m declaring today Blogger Appreciation Day [UNOFFICIAL]!

I’ve been chatting with a few bloggers of late who’ve been feeling a little down in the dumps about their blogging – so perhaps everyone could do with a little lift.

Lets spend today doing a few random acts of kindness and encouragement for our fellow bloggers.

I’m not writing this in the hope of getting more emails myself (I’ve got my share for today already) – but instead want to encourage you to take a moment to email another blogger and to thank them for something that you’ve appreciated about what they’ve done lately. In a sense it’s a ‘Pay it Forward’ exercise.

Some might see it as a marketing or networking exercise (and it might actually pay off) – but I just think it’s good kharma and part of being a blogger.

We’re in it together, blogging is about collaboration and together going further than we can by ourselves – so why not help another blogger today by shooting them a word of encouragement, a pep talk, a congratulations, an idea to help them improve or some other positive constructive message. Better still, do it publicly on your blog and tell the world about another blogger who you appreciate.

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