Talking to Internet Marketers about Blogging

Posted By Darren Rowse 5th of March 2007 Pro Blogging News

In two weeks time I’m heading to Washington DC to speak to 400 internet marketers about blogging and I’m both excited and a little daunted by the prospect.

The excitement is largely around the opportunity to meet new people doing things in related fields to mine (both co-speakers and attendees). I expect to learn a lot.

The ‘daunting’ feelings don’t come from being afraid of public speaking (I’ve been doing that for years) but more because to this point I’ve always found internet marketing ‘types’ to be slightly different (or extremely different) to blogging ‘types’.

While I know that internet marketers are a great bunch – I’ve always found many that I’ve had something to do with a little over the top and hype oriented.

I don’t respond well to spin (especially when it hits my inbox 20 times a week in the lead up to a product launch), I don’t take well to being told something is the answer to all my problems if it just answers one of them and I would rather get to know the person on the end of the sales letters and emails first before being asked to buy their latest product – no matter how rich that product might make me.

I know I’m generalizing a lot here – but I guess what I’ve been grappling with today is what should be the main thrust of my one hour slot in Washington DC?

If you had the attention of 400 internet marketers for an hour and were given the brief to talk to them about blogging – where would you take the session?

Am I asking you to write my presentation for me? Well no… and yes.

I’ve already got my outline – but the beauty of a blog is it’s interactivity and the learning that goes back and forth between blogger and readership (point #3 of my presentation).

I’ll happily share my presentation with you – but without swaying where the conversation might go I’d love to hear your thoughts.

I’m also well aware that many ProBlogger readers are much more a part of the internet marketing community than I am and I’d love to hear a little of how you’re using blogs to support you in your entrepreneurial activities.

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