T-Shirt Competition – Entries Closed

Posted By Darren Rowse 1st of August 2005 ProBlogger Site News

I’ve just closed the T-Shirt Competition Entry period and will begin to sort through the 60+ entries that have been received. I’m really pleased with the wonderful array of entries which display some true creativity from readers of ProBlogger. A big thank you to all who’ve participated.

It might take us a few days to get to a decision on the winner – we’re toying with the idea of narrowing down the field and then allowing readers to vote on their favorite (although I’m not convinced about voting plug-ins and poll systems which in my experience can be rigged).

The other option to put the voting in the hands of the readership is for us to narrow down the field to 5 designs and then make all 5 available for purchase. The winner would be the design that sells the most in the first week or so of sale.

I guess ultimately that would decide which is the most popular without much chance of it being rigged.

What do you think of that? Does it sound fair?

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