Speedlinking – 9 November 2006

Posted By Darren Rowse 9th of November 2006 Pro Blogging News
  • The AdSense blog tells publishers what advertisers have known for a month or two now – that they’re basing how much they charge for ads on the quality of the landing page. This apparently means a ‘higher quality’ of ad should be being seen on our sites. While I’m all for quality ads it does make me wonder whether it also means less advertisers bidding for ads in the system and as a result a lower cost per click. Time will tell.
  • David is thinking of Starting his personal Blog Over and talks us through how he’s going to do it and some of the thinking behind it.
  • TypePad Hacks is talking about keeping readers happy with Fast-Loading blogs.
  • In the news here in Australia today is that Google has come out and said that new laws proposed by the Australian Federal Government could cause the internet to ‘promptly grind to a halt’. The full story is here.
  • Tim writes a post asking (and answering the question) What Does it Mean to Be a “Good Blogger”?
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