Sexy AdSense Ads

Posted By Darren Rowse 21st of June 2006 Adsense

One of the side effects of staring at blogs with ads on them all day is that I generally don’t see them any more.

But yesterday I spotted some AdSense ads on a number of sites that definately got my attention.

There’s a screen capture of one of the ads below:

There were other version on the sites that rotated through with each page impression – in each case there was an image behind the AdSense ads that made it look like the person in the image was holding the ads. Some were provocative like this one (I’m sure naked women holding ads get more attention than most) others were not.

I’ve seen similar tactics before and on each occassion they didn’t last long before AdSense either banned the site from the program or before the images around the ads just ‘disappeared’ (probably at the request of AdSense).

Today I went back to the site and they were gone – I suspect someone from AdSense had a quiet word in the publisher’s ear.

Violating the AdSense rules like this is not worth the risk. In doing so you jeopardise your potential earnings with AdSense which in the long term could be very costly.

If in doubt about what you can and can’t do with AdSense ads – simply email them and ask.

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