Random Reflections on The 24 Minute Documentary

Posted By Darren Rowse 10th of August 2006 Pro Blogging News

I’m watching the new Techcrunch 24 Minute Documentary on Web 2.0 at the moment and find myself reacting in a whole heap of ways (most of them conflicting). Let me spit them all out and see what we get (warning – no guarantees that this is going to make any sense):

  • There’s that green color again….
  • American males everywhere – is Web 2.0 just a boys and their toys thing???
  • Nice to see and hear some faces and voices to names….
  • Bubble Schmubble – I think there could be a bubble of people talking about whether there’s a bubble….
  • Video definitely adds something to blogs….
  • What is that music? For a while there it sounded slightly porno (from what I’ve heard about porn music) and then I thought it got slightly trance/meditative like. By the end I was just annoyed by it….
  • Web 2.0 certainly has a lot of jargony words and cliches….
  • Lots of sensible stuff was said….Lots of what was said contradicted what else was said – is Web 2.0 definable???
  • I’m not really sure I care what Web 2.0 is – I just care about good useable products that make my life better….
  • If when you finish watching it you drag the slider backwards and forwards the guys all merge into one and you notice just how much of them speak with their hands and how most of them are wearing plain colored button up shirts (quite a clean cut looking bunch)…..
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