pc4media’s Blog PageRank Wrath

Posted By Darren Rowse 14th of July 2005 Pro Blogging News

Please remind me not to get on the wrong side of Peter from pc4media who is about to unleash Blog PageRank Wrath! Peter’s discovered the power of Page Rank and he’s about to use it to get back at a couple of people who have done him wrong.

‘Two people have screwed me over this week. Wasted my money. Other people’s money. My time and other people’s time. And they both have soiled my reputation. I am giving them until next week to attempt to right their wrongs. After that, I will be creating posts on my weblog with their names and business names in the title. And these posts will be at the top of the search engines for searches for their names. Thus, their mistakes will be known by anyone doing a simple search for them.’

Read more at pc4media: Blog PageRank Wrath

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