Organizational Techniques for Bloggers

Posted By Darren Rowse 7th of September 2007 Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Having looked at some of our reader’s rhythms and tools for enhancing productivity today we’re going to wrap up this mini series by looking at some other organizational techniques that they use:

1. Marko Novak tells how he sets himself daily tasks:

“I’ve made a week list which tells me what should I write on a particular day in a week. For example: from monday to friday I write posts about blog, seo, making money,… on weekends I write more entertaining posts. I guess is just like a job. On work days serious topics and on weekend more casual ones.”

2. Neena has a similar process:
“Everyday I allocate a set number of hours to work on my blogs. I also prepare a detailed “to do” list at the end of each blogging session. The next day I tackle the items on the list during my blogging time. This keeps me focused and I get much more accomplished.”

3. JD shares along similar lines again:
“I have an ongoing To Do list of a variety of tasks: writing, marketing, research, reading and commenting on other blogs, ad stuff, design stuff . . . the list is never ending! By having a lot of different choices of types of blog work, I can’t use the excuse that I’m not “in the mood” to do X, Y, or Z.

If I’m not in the mood to write, then I can read other blogs. If I’m not feeling motivated to work on marketing, I can jot down some ideas. If the idea of figuring out how to set up an amazon store fills me with dread, I can play around with my layout. And so on. I may not write a post every day, but I’m always working (playing!) on my blog in some capacity.”

4. Sean suggests a simple prioritizing method:
“Write down the 10 most important things you can do for the day and list them from most important to least important, now start with the most important.”

5. Mark plans ahead:
“I like to try to keep at least ten articles in my WordPress dashboard at all times, all ready to publish. I only resort to those when I am in a rush or for the rare occasion when I can’t think of anything to blog about. I also like to list hundreds of ideas on my Invision Power Board forum. I have hundreds of blogging ideas listed in a restricted forum (where only I can see them) with dozens of articles in varying stages of development. When I finish one, I pop it straight into my WP dashboard.”

6. Sharon Sarmiento shares a tip on hiring some help:
“Get yourself some help– Really, if you can make more money per hour than you’re paying the business manager or assistant who’s helping you, then it’s worth it to shell out the dough so that some of your blogging (and other) tasks can be taken off your plate. It also usually allows the blogger to increase his income even though he’s spending money on the help, because his time is freed up to pursue more projects. But, obviously for this productivity strategy to work, you have to be making money already, so it’s not for everyone :-) If you’re a seasoned problogger though, it could radically improve your life.”

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