More on What Blogging is Buying Bloggers

Posted By Darren Rowse 24th of July 2006 Pro Blogging News

Two days ago I linked to a couple of people who had written about what blogging had bought them and asked readers to tell us what blogging had enabled them to buy also. Little did I know what the response would be like – even though it is a weekend. Here’s a collation of the list of what blogging has bought people so far (ranging from coffee to houses):

Blogging bought Dee a sixth birthday party for her daughter, CDs, books, concert tickets and covers her blog’s costs
Blogging bought Bank Locator a trip to Vegas plus lots of free schwag
Blogging bought Billobanger a house, furniture, new computer and gadgets
Blogging bought Retrospector money to cover the costs of starting another blog
Blogging bought Darren M an office, two companies, a paycheck for him and his wife, a car, a condo, 3 cats and vacations
Blogging bought Elliot various trips away with his girlfriend
Blogging bought Ken the ability to work at home and have time with his kids
Blogging bought Jon a trip to Phoenix to meet his hero
Blogging bought feral cat DVDs
Blogging bought brem dog id tags
Blogging bought Designer Ella lots of handbags and shoes.
Blogging bought Kevin all the startup costs for the music label he’s launched
Blogging bought JErm his freedom to quit other jobs and work at home – plus a trip to Bali for his entire family
Blogging bought eSearing more web site development business which pays for cell phones, net access and a computer
Blogging bought Esther her Son’s college education
Blogging bought John gas for his car, a lot of fun and something to put on his next job application
Blogging bought Kim Bah Lee a pint of beer
Blogging bought Tim a Nintendo DS
Blogging bought Greg web hosting, a valleyschwag subscription and domain renewal
Blogging bought Swade a laptop, free Saab goodies and the inspiration for a new car.
Blogging bought Thejesh GN a domain, hosting, a few drinks and lunch
Blogging bought Marek a Pentax Optio W10
Blogging bought Chi An a Dell laptop
Blogging bought Bill a $10,000 Spa
Blogging bought Ray hosting and other blog related costs plus the odd latte
Blogging bought Melissa lots of stuff ($1,100 to $1500 USD a month)
Blogging bought Renee monthly installments on a home
Blogging bought Keeton a successful home business and time with family
Blogging bought hacker not cracker a laptop
Blogging bought Dale plenty of CDs
Blogging bought Adam a domain name and hosting
Blogging bought pcunix – hard to tell as all income goes into the one pot but he’s earned $250k from online activities
Blogging bought Chris hosting fees
Blogging bought pjm satisfaction
Blogging bought Oscar hosting fees, domains and coffee
Blogging bought Jill lots of ‘stuff’, a phone, admission to conferences, other jobs and work etc
Blogging bought Candy Addict lots of Candy
Blogging bought Jayvee a new DSLR and speaker set for video games
Blogging bought Rick a new Car
Blogging bought David an xbox, LCD Monitor and Camera
Blogging bought Me a house, car and virtually every other living expense for the last year or two

Feel free to keep adding to the list in comments below

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