Meeting Cameron Reilly

Posted By Darren Rowse 23rd of March 2005 Pro Blogging News

This morning I spent a couple of hours with Blogger and Podcaster Cameron Reilly.

Meeting face to face with other bloggers is always an interesting experience but to do it with a podcaster added a new slightly surreal element.

Not only have I been reading what he writes daily for months now – I’ve also been listening to him for quite some time, I was quite familiar with not only his ideas but also his voice – weird.

Anyway – once I got of over that (it took all of four seconds and a gulp of coffee) I had a really enjoyable time. Conversation topics were diverse and productive. We talked about potential Podcasts and the idea of a Melbourne Blogger’s Meet Up which I’ll get to work on after Easter.

What I appreciated most about our time was connecting with someone who has a similar desire to see the new mediums that we work in become something that is not just about making a quick dollar – but has the potential to be about making a difference in the world we live in. I’ve long believed that Podcasting and Blogging can be change agents and life giving mediums. It was great to find someone else with a similar vision for medium – not just interested in building a business or a career – but interested in using the opportunities and developing tools before him to play a part in creating a better world.

Of course on top of all that I met another nutter who is as much of a dreamer and collector of diverse information as I am.

Its also nice to have a conversation about Blogging which doesn’t start with a raised eyebrow and a confused look before the question – ‘What’s a blog again?’

Looking forward to more face to face interactions with bloggers and hoping it will lead to some interesting projects in time.

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