Make Money Online Blogs – Should You Start One and How to Choose a Profitable Topic

Posted By Darren Rowse 20th of September 2007 Miscellaneous Blog Tips, Video Posts

In today’s video post I want to respond to a reader’s email by talking a little about how to choose a niche topic for your blog.

One mistake that many bloggers fall into when they discover the idea of making money from blogging is to start a blog on that very topic.

It is understandable in some ways – many people first read about the idea on a blog on that topic and automatically assume that to make the kind of money that that blogger is making they just need to copy what they are doing.

The problem is that the ‘make money online’ niche is crowded, there are already many established blogs, to be successful in it you need credibility and runs on the board (or a unique approach to it) and it really has a limited audience when compared to many other niches.

I make considerably more money from other blogs than I do this one – despite being one of the first writing the topic.

So what topic should a blogger choose and how do they make that decision?

In this video I share a few questions for PreBloggers to ask themselves.

I expand on each question in this post – How to Choose a Niche Topic for Your Blog.

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