LoudLaunch to Launch and PayPerPost Accused of Manufacturing Controversy

Posted By Darren Rowse 9th of November 2006 Pro Blogging News

LoudLaunch is yet another service that is aiming to connect bloggers with advertisers. They don’t really give any information about it on their site yet but already there are comparisons to the controversial PayPerPost. It’ll be interesting to see what they’ve learned from the PayPerPost fiasco.

Is PayPerPost Manufacturing Controversy?

Interestingly enough I was chatting with two people (update: it’s now three) who have strong connections with PayPerPost over the last few days and they told me that the ‘controversy’ that has surrounded them has actually been manufactured as a strategy to cause buzz.

My sources tells me that PayPerPost have been creating and even fueling the controversy but have already got things in the pipeline that will change public perception of them and appeal to the wider blogging community.

They claim that PPP has been manipulating the blogosphere and every time a high profile blogger comes out against them that the PPP team silently cheers them on.

Interestingly they also claim that PPP has already gathered a large number of bloggers who support their service. I guess even scathing critiques of their service from A-listers (like TechCrunch) is enough for a certain percentage of their readers to sign up.

Sounds like ‘link bait’ on a fairly major scale.

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