Is Bloglines having Issues

Posted By Darren Rowse 24th of February 2006 Pro Blogging News

My apologies once again to readers who use Bloglines to follow ProBlogger but unfortunately it seems my feed has been out of action for the last day or two – again. As I look down my own list of blogs that I follow using Bloglines I notice that the little red exclamation mark that signifies an error is on almost 1 in 10 of the feeds I’m following. Looks like they have some ‘issues’.

Yesterday I asked them to restart my feed (again) but no word yet on what they’re up to.

If you have missed my last few days posting you can get most of the main articles I’ve written from the Blogging for Beginners page.

update: a comment below from a representative from Feeburner claims that the issue is at there end. They write:

‘Bloglines has experienced errors while attempting to retrieve recent posts from FeedBurner feeds. These errors take 24 hours to automatically clear. FeedBurner knows about the problem and is working to resolve the issue. Thank you for your patience.’

I’m a bit perplexed by it all to be honest. Last week when this happened I had emails and comments from both Feedburner and Bloglines claiming that the other was at fault and I ended up not knowing what to do about it except hope that one of them could work it out.

I guess if the problem persists then unfortunately I’ll have to move on from Feedburner. I could change my news aggregator but that might only solve my reading problems and not help any ProBlogger readers.

All I know is that my RSS readership has dropped by 2000 readers in the last couple of day , that comment levels are down under half normal and that I’m getting a lot of emails from readers who are frustrated. Not a very pleasing thing when I’m putting so many hours into my current series of posts and am finding that so many readers don’t even know it’s on.

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