If You Had Only One Month Left to Blog….

Posted By Darren Rowse 12th of May 2010 Miscellaneous Blog Tips

How would you live your life differently if you had one month to live?

It’s a question I was asked recently and while it’s one we’ve all heard before I think it’s something well worth pondering at different times. I also like to apply it to different areas of my life – like blogging….

If you had only one month left before you had to stop doing it or making money from it – how would that impact your blogging?

  • how would it impact the topics that you wrote about?
  • how would it impact the way you approached monetization?
  • how would it impact the calls to action you gave your readers?
  • how would it impact the passion and focus that it brought to your blogging?

I think I’d probably approach blogging a little differently if I were in my last month:

  • I’d probably do so with more focus in the topics I wrote about
  • I’d be thinking about the legacy I wanted to leave with my blog
  • I’d be more innovative in how I monetize it
  • I’d be focusing more upon the relationships I had with my readers

I’m sure it’d impact my blogging in other ways too.

The 2nd question of course that we need to ask ourselves is – why are we not blogging this way now?

How would you approach your last month of blogging?

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